In the world of today, credit cards have become quite common. There are many people who prefer carrying virtual cash of hard cash. This, in a nutshell, is why many businesses, small to large, are increasingly learning to accept credit cards and other forms of money as a means of payment, especially brick and mortar stores. Whether you’re a retail store or you’re offering a service such as dry-cleaning, for instance, there are just about a dozen reasons you should accept credit cards. Credit card payments of transactions are processed in through what is known as a credit card reader or a point of sale system. Once a customer pays for their purchases through this machine, the amount they pay is credited to your merchant account and the transaction is recorded. This makes a credit card reader a utility that you don’t want to miss in your business. But what are the main benefits of having a credit card reader or several for your business? Here are 5 ways a credit card reader will b...